1 kilo beef kenchi
                1 piece chorizo de bilbao
                6 cups water
                1 teaspoon salt
                2 stalks green onions
                1/2 medium-size3d cabbage
                1/8  kilo green green beans
                2 medium potatoes
                2 pieces banana saba
                1/2 cup boiled garbanzos
                2 tablespoons cooking oil
                2 cloves garlic, minced
                1 medium onion, sliced
                4 cups broth

    Boil kenchi and chorizo in water, salt and
           green onions.
     When tender, remove and cook cabbage
           and green beans in the same broth;
           remove and set aside.
      Boil potatoes and bananas in water until
            tender; peel; quarter potatoes and cut
           bananas crosswise diagonally.
      Skin chick peas.
      Set aside
      Saute garlic and onion in hot oil.
      Add broth and seasoning, then put in meat,
           bananas, potatoes, chick peas, cabbage
           and beans.
      Serve with eggplant sauce.
              EGGPLANT SAUCE
           3 eggplants, broiled, peeled and mashed
           2 cloves garlic, minced
              salt and pepper to taste
           2-3 tablespoons vinegar
      Blend ingredients together and serve with

